the great turmeric recipe.


 i first encountered turmeric tonic about 4 years ago. i am eternally grateful to my friend chris who introduced me to the best herbal remedy i have used to make life better. i hope you find relief from pain and a bulwark against future calamity as i did. 
 turmeric is claimed to be a wünderkind of the ever increasing pantheon of superfoods and i hope that is the case coz i am into it big time. 
 my interest , however is guided by self interest... way too many of my family have died or been effected by cancer and/or inflammatory related problems and so those purported qualities were what directed me to the turmeric related claims newly balling the wall re turmeric.
 i give you my version of the golden fountain of joy because it is for you and me to share, that's good. it's an alternative for those who don't want to venture down the path of scalpels, prescription drugs and possibly detrimental injections.

there are othe versions which you may want to use and thats fine. please get back to me with your experiences on that path. have fun with what i refer to as 'savoury' cordial. 


. i stopped losing sleep due to  hip soreness, 
. i can walk up stairs in an orderly manner, 
. it only takes about 5-10 steps to loosen up my walking gear 
. i still dont have cancer (touch wood).

My story:
 these observations are all about things that involve the history of my silly old hip and thence my embrace of turmeric tonic. 
 read on mcduff.

 when i was about ten i started having fun with my hip. i used to click it back and forth as it slipped over something or other in its joint... you make do with the toys you have i guess. at that time my toys were a norman soldier figurine made of rather hard plastic (missing the uplifted sword after a little while), a paddle pop stick (banana) for making roads in the dirt, a blue teddy bear (which i still have), a rams horn which lived outside, a toy car, the bush down the road and a mud pit in summer.

 then i started playing the world game, and from that, i found i was not too bad at long distance running. i remember short breathed talks with my sister on training runs in which we worked out if we would still be running for australia in the 2000. olympics, we would be 40 and 41. surely it would be vain glorious to run on for such a long time after all our achievements!

cooma united soccer club won so many premierships we were moved from the canberra comp to the south coast comp. the scenery made up for the lack of quality opposition. 

then off to teachers college for me with lotsa walking, dancers and bike riding, then to sydney with lots of walking, dancing and bike riding, then to darwin with lots of walking, dancing and bike riding...

but after a two decades of high octane creative life and one of sedimentary behavior i took on a series of wonderfully demanding painting jobs. 
 lotsa high work, ranging from a multi modular troppo wonderland complete with live classical music laid on to a very weird experiment with community mates rates work and a job long drawn out and nearly the end of the line for me and my brave hip. it was then that i remembered my mum's four hip replacements. 

 i had to find a miracle so that i wouldn't be woken by the pain in my hip. i had to trust to syncronicity, to serendipity, to pure blind coincidental luck. 


IT happened!

 chris gifted me with a glass of the golden elixer... turmeric tonic. jamu juice. aqua vita on the gear!

 at the time i couldn't push down the clutch pedal in my car without pain. i was driving the beast along any route that would involve bugger all gear changes just like an adult non reader will say they have forgotten their glasses when spmething needs to be read, the easiest way but no permanent fix. i was walking upstairs one step at a time,  no way was i gonna bound up the stairs two or three at a time anymore. a six foot step ladder was my limit at work. 
shit on a stick really eh?

. big mobs of turmeric, fresh. 3-400 grams will do i suppose.
. big mobs of ginger, fresh. 3-400 grams will do i suppose.
. 1/2 a teaspoon of black or cayenne powder.
. 500mls of apple cider vinegar with the 'mother'.
. 1/2 a tablespoon of cinnamon.
. 1 tablespoon of manuka or equivalent antiseptic style honey.
. 1-2 chilli per 750ml bottle, fresh.
. water.
. 1 teaspoon of tamarind paste.
hereare the ingredients and sone appropriately placed measuring spoons. dog treats are optional.
you can add flavourings to suit your taste. i have gone for full flavour with granny always used it cred without being cod liver oil. you can do as you please really but it's best to keep it full of good stuff. 
 i drink my daily dose with soda water for the spritz, it's great with fresh orange juice as well, your choice there as well.
. get a reasonably good juicer and a large bowl with a pouring lip.
. wash and juice the turmeric.
. wash and juice the ginger.
. switch the machine to low and run some water through it to wash       the remaining turmeric and ginger into your bowl.
. add the cinnamon, pepper, apple cider vinegar (with the 'mother') and manuka (or similar) honey.
. mix thoroughly.
. decant into the bottle of your choice along with a juicy red chilli.
. keep refrigerated.
. consume once daily.

claimed properties:
do the research yourself good people. 
talk to your friends. 
avoid self interested websites etc unless you feel they are truly your friend.
research your sources, thats your job. 

however in dot point form her are some properties:

  1. a wonderful dye. you'll work out how not to have yellow hands after a while if you commit to a life with turmeric. ;).
  2. it's claimed to be anti-cancerial.
  3. it has big time anti inflammitory properties i'm told and would tend to believe.
  4. it will stain your teeth, skin, juicer, towels, bench... whole kitchen if you don't watch out! there are however several earners to think about with all that palaver though.
  5. i dunno, heaps i reckon.
 anyway the upshoot is that i dont use a stick to walk anymore and i can sleep well at night. nice one! 
 so if your body ails you for any reason give this one a try for a month or two till it takes effect. 


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