baiting politicians during interviews!

Sport can be viewed from many perspectives. 

There are sports journalists and journalists who sport. My favourite by far are the latter.

Winding up politicians is one of the most exciting sports that a journalist can participate in. There is no publicly acknowledged competition, no points ladder and no trophy at the end of the season to be put on any mantlepiece. but in my eyes it is a sport of the highest order!

The latest bout to sail across my bow was on that commie loving show, the 7.30 report!.

it involved the use of public opinion polls to force the Prime Minister of our wonderful country into a corner that could only be avoided by slagging off one of his own to the detriment of  his party. the interviews was Leigh Sales and Malcolm the brave and true was her target.

here is a point by point summary of what happened!

  1. Interview commences with genial greetings. Prime minister is on song about 'jobs and growth' as is demanded of him by his party line.
  2. Interviewer smoothly moves to the poll results indicating a very even result might be possible in the upcoming election. Mal baby deflects this as just part of the swings and roundabouts of polling and public opinion.
  3. Interviewer goes for the throat punch knowing full well that Mal of the cultured smile has an ego the size of ten footy fields. She refers to the gradual fall of his own sleek and well groomed popularity after his deposing of the mad Abbott. 
  4. He is stuck! He can't be truthful at all because that would mean two things. he would have to publicly acknowledge that his predecessor was mad as a rabid dog due to his religious leanings and political controllers. The next problem is that he can't say, perhaps because of his ego, that his public approval rating being so high to begin with was largely to do with a mass Australia wide relief that a madman had been removed from the poop deck and thrown back to the bilges where he belongs!
  5. A minute or so of stammering occurs with the interviewer (and this viewer) laughing either internally or externally at the joy of watching prescribed points of view denying the truth being said.

This sort of shit really gets me going and is why i could only ever stand as an Independent or Greens candidate if i was to ever be silly enough to put my hand up for political incumbency.

I would like to hear your views on whether this meets the criteria as a sport in your eyes.

Cheers from fred and may you have a sporting chance!


Unknown said…
A well couched set of observations. Old Malkypants came off looking like a dick, I was pretty happy for a few days and then when Bill Shorten MP did such a good job on Q & A despite that right wing apologist Tony Jones giving him stick and calling it impartiality and failing.....I was even happier. Pity Labor are not much better, in the new minority Govt the Greens and Independents will keep the losers in power honest as best they can within this broken system.
Fred Van't Sand said…
I was way too busy to see the shortbread interview but i will get round to it as soon as i have an hour to spare. Old Malkypants... funny that!
Nancy said…
Oh dear. Even the idea of giving preferences has now become a bit of a national sport. Apparently the major parties are more into vote counting than genuine preferences in terms of aligned policies for the good of the country. I truly wish there was drugs testing, independent referees, linesmen and umpires in politics to stop some of the more ridiculous power plays.
Fred Van't Sand said…
ahem.. clearing of throat noise. dear nancy, my knowledge of local politics might mean the drug testing would have to be legislated outside of out unichamberal parliament coz none of those bugger would allow such a law! unless of course booze was excluded.
Unknown said…
sofaras you're right, I'd rather a 4th estate that took their responsibilities to investigate and inform more seriously. I don't think it's their role to trip politicians up, make them look stupid or trap them into stammering at a difficult question - most of them can do that without any encouragement. Rather, I want journalists who can help us better understand the decisions our politicians are considering. Reducing politics to a blow-by-blow calling of the polls, in the manner of a sideline sportscaster, demeans all of us. Maybe there's a place for that, but when it comes at the expense of all else it debases what could be better decision making.
Fred Van't Sand said…
Damn right Justin! the desire for journo's to go for the throat has been far too common nowadays. I would love for pollies to actually answer the questions asked of them without towing the party line. This is only going to happen if they were allowed to speak their minds, however they belong to a political machine and sadly have the horrible fate of a reduced salary sitting on the back benches if their views are not the parties. Conscience votes are occasionally allowed but not nearly enough! Political pensions are indexed to duration served and sadly for most this means (and i paraphrase the sex pistols here) we get stupid fools who stand in line. I remember going to a darwin chorale quiz night decades ago and was on the table with a younger Jerry Woods. he was still a drinker back then and quite amusing for it. As time has marched on he has turned into a politician of rare consideration and care. his electorate has acknowledged this by reelecting him again and again. this is not possible for party aligned members. this is why i find it amusing/ satisfying to see one hoisted on their own party aligned petard. No more no less. Viva journalist with an altruistic goal and politicians brave enough and far sighted enough to stand up for us, not their own desires whatever those desires may be. XX.

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