S o O. What?!

State against State! Mate against Mate!

State of Origin kicked off last night at the Sydney Olympic Stadium with the usual fireworks and giant balloon creatures carry on including fireworks, injury scares and suspect players wearing the wrong jerseys.
For me it was a piece of luck that my youngest daughter had a big school assignment to do which kept her at my wife's office till well into the second half of the game. This may seem irrelevant to you but it means a lot to me as a Footy fan of almost 50 years. To me it means no requests to watch some shitty gossip girls style show.
After the last ten years. 
I have given up on the Blues as a joke and now follow the players in either side who play for my beloved BUNNIES.
This can lead to problems and has in the past... Greg Inglis steamrollering Nathan Merritt 3 years ago being the most horrifying example that springs to mind. However this was not a problem last night and so i am happy. Any how, To the game at hand...the filthy cockroaches from Queensland (with the aid of a referee or two) were, yet again, triumphant!! good on them!
there are two more games to play and there is hope yet for the Blues... i hope!?
I hope you have a sporting chance, big love fred.

highlights game 1.

game photo's.

game review


Hahaha...go the Blues with heavenly intervention I think!
Fred Van't Sand said…
watch out for the first biffo in years in the second game lara! the only way we will unsettle that maroons machine is to rough 'em up. sad but true. games will be missed i tells te.
njcraven said…
Great Blog Fred!

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