i suppose i kinda said i would tell the story about the EH panelvan and it's loose wheel the other day... 
the story in which  mang loaned me her electric blue off the shoulder very tight long sleeved full length dress to go to a party in.  is it embarrassing? that depends on whether you (as a bloke) are supposed to take meticulous care of your rolling stock. as usual there is heaps of back story so sit back and prepare to get an insight into my charming past!

i have a dear friend called mang the merciless. i met her at goulburn teachers college back in '78. she was and still is a very sociable person who shared many interests with me. i would like to reveal all of those but for the safety of the both of us i will stick to the safe bits.

fun, parties, punk music, live music, more parties, booze and other bits (it was the late 70's!!!). 

some how she managed  to complete her diploma and some how i got into a very spirited 'discourse' with the head of the Practices department. the department which ran prac teaching and a course you had to do each semester for the whole duration of the 3 year course! 6 units of sheer joy!! due to the disjointed approach i took every time i had any encounters with professor b barron i was unable to match mang's achievements and was forced to move to sydney and eventually found myself sitting for the public sesvice exam one sunny saturday morning along with another life long friend mr b tucker!
we both were successful and i got an offer to join her majesties custom service and mr tucker ended up working for the department of social security in leichart (funnily enough exactly where he had lodged his last dole form). i found this more than a bit amusing. many folk found it amusing that i was at customs so we are on a level playing field there (that's the sport reference my friends)!!!

so now we get close to the story of wierd new years celebration wherein i find myself loaning mang's lovely dress!

it's '82 or '83 from memory for those who like a time line to follow. after having been a singularity for far too long in my mind i have met one of mang's childhood friends at a Dynamic Hypnotics concert in Baimain and we clicked rather well it would seem. so much clicking happened that we were soon considered a duo!
i had recently bought a canary yellow EH panel van with so much flash stuff added to it's running gear that i was in 7th heaven!
this isn't mine but until i can find my pictures of mine it is so close to almost be the same.

it was better than my brothers XY GT by big mobs!!!!! lights in the engine bay, twin SU carbys, solid lifters, race cams, a mirror ball in the carpeted panel bit and custom shelving and cupboarding in the back as well. an 8 track with the who's odds and sods came with the deal. MAGIC! all of this was bought to transport my new beloved and her 2 wonderful kids around, so life was grand!!
then it happened...

there was this party and mang was all lathered up to go to. she had finished the fruit picking season and she and her beau nigel had decided we would all go to a new years party in cremorne. it doesnt matter really except that there was a view of sydney harbour from the trees across the road.

the important thing to know is that the party was a fancy dress party. 

soon fancy clothes are laid out and soon i'm wearing the fabulous blue party dress! i look good 'cause i have the legs for that sort of thing, the shorter the better if you have legs like mine but 3/4 length is still ok.
we load the beast up with the family, the dog (delvenedelazy ponce demooford click click clack clack), mang and nigel and off we go, armed to the gills with partystuff (shhhh).
after a while the good folk in the back of the van start to complain about the bumpy ride and i have to agree that the van is driving a bit rough. we pull into a petrol station to check shit out.

the rear passenger wheel was hanging on with one bolt still tightened, shit on a stick!

however it was a party after all so we walked the remaining block to get to the party coz thats what you do.
i don't really remember much about the party so it must have been a success. what i do remember is watching the sydney harbour fireworks up a tree with the boys and nigel.

so now we have to go home and it's about 2 in the morning...

do you think you can fit 6 people and a dog in a taxi on new years morning?


so what we do is walk delvene dog back to the van and leave her with a bowl of water in the van and a note for the station owner with a phone number to contact us. i have to say i did point out that it was the uncharitable nature of the taxi driver that meant delvene would have to look after the van and that she had eaten very well at the party so she would be ok. she seemed ok with that and settled down in the back. so off we go in the taxi and head back to chippendale.

no bloody booze in the house!!

we had no booze left to settle our nerves after the excitement of the evening so i go across the road to the very conveniently placed pub to get a 6 pack and a bottle of wine.

the pub is full of very friendly guys and the barmen mave the cutest tiny shorts and tight t-shirts... 
and i'm still wearing my elegant blue full length skin tight off the shoulder number wot mang loaned me. some might find this a bit confronting but there is no situation that can't be fun so i grab my 6 pack and the wine, do an amazingly graceful curtsey and blow kisses till i am out of breath. of course i was very welcome at that pub for a long time after, even when i wasn't wearing a dress!

later that morning we got back in a taxi and rescued delvene the wonder dog. she was fine and had convinced the station owner to get some wheel nuts for the cars wheel. i give the station owner some cash for his troubles (and his concern for d the wonder dog).

so what does this evening mean to me?

it was a defining moment in regards the good folk of the world and the rule followers. the taxi driver was non divergent (bad) and the partiers, the petrol station owner and the pub patrons were divergent (good). 

no people or dogs were hurt during the course of the evening and fun was had and this is a good thing. i don't often wear slinky dresses any more but i would if there was a good party to go to.
in conclusion i can only say,

relax and accept lifes unusual occurences.
life is meant to be enjoyed.
i hope you agree with that coz surely life is better enjoyed than being wasted doing standard things.
match your colour to your dog if you can, so chic!

big love to you all and may you have a sporting chance!!

cheers fred.


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