travel is such an eye opener!  you hop on a plane (in our case) and bingo after several connecting flights which tear your poor ageing body apart, your hip is aching and sending occasional stabs of searing pain through your body. then you arrive and all is well in the world!! 
darwin to perth was an uneventful flight, at perth airport things started to get more interesting.

-2 dudes hitting on 3 women in a bar. their 2 kids are playing some computer game near the bar. the 2 dudes buy the ladies a drink eachcoz you don't want to be out done by your mate (twice). it's a social interaction i can't resist watching. what the dudes have not done is check out the foot action under the table. the girls are enjoying the drinks but they are not for the boys at all. it made the wait a little more interesting is all.

-the lions rugby union team is flying back home from a dour victory in canberra. 

they have most of first class on south african airways flight (?) booked out. i wait till my lack of seat space drives me to distraction and i go and piss in their toilet...twice! take that players who have one sponsor (SAA) and wear so much emirates clothing i can't see how SAA is still their sponsor! incidentally their toilet is smaller than the economy toilet!! ho ho rugby boys!

this very clever and simple scetch on the back of a computer...
i love it! so simple, so cute!

on the connecting flight fron the rather tawdry jo'burg airport with it's exceptionally bored and humourless customs officials i am coming to the realisation of what a truly wonderful country australia could have been if we hadn't given the countrymen and women the shit time we did. this flight is more than cool, it is wonderful to see the diversity revealing itself, even the genuflecting christian africaaner next to me seems nice.

we get a taxi into town from the airport and the evil hills reveal their beauty. 
i choose to add a few photos here rather than write about them (a thousand words etc).

WOW!!! the bottom picture is of the old convention centre, described by wenda , our driver, as a white elephant. she seems to have a liking for it though. the other two pics are of dragon's head peak and the N1 into town featuring table mountain. we settle into our new home and pass out. 

monday sees us on the trail of the BIG 4!!

off to Premier car and van rentals we go!! we end up in some sort of ford economy car. the process was interesting...the handy bank which had a wad of small denominations to add up to the 3000 rand deposit, the car that never came back from the car wash, finding out who's travel card had which pin no. and the charming counter folk. my kinda place!

now for the drive to the butterfly farm and drakenstein lion park and the trials and trubulations of driving in a new and wonderous country!

the butterfly farm had expanded it's breadth of operation by adding many iguanas (one with a tattoo of a panda on it's neck), various birds and a few other odds and sods of interest (tarantulas, toads, blue dukiers and

a selection of pythons). we arrived and quite honestly it had the outward air of a seedy operation, one step up from the now long gone 'johnny's wildlife park' on the road from darwin to batchelor in the NT. 
OMG how wrong can you be!!
it's totally awesome from the skeleton collection in the foyer 

to the meercats and tortoises' in the outer pens. just check out some of the animals who live there. here are the birds

thats all for now folks. next installnent will be about the lions and tigers and here's a brief tasteful teaser!

big love to you all and may you all have a sporting chance.

Part 2.

there were only supposed to be 3 white lions anongst the rescued lions and it's nice (in a roundabout way that only 3 needed rescuing) but the long term sterilisation implant stopped working and viola, more white tigers.
 there are 5 in this enclosure now and it is awesome to see what i thought was just an Anime construct from the 60's. "who's the king of animals in africa. who's the one who just won't turn and run" and all that stuff is a reality!
 i must say that lions are quite scary when you think of their strength and claws but all or my love of kimba as a child made the fear melt away. i couls hear the theme song running through my head and all was well in the world!
this ones having a shit!
 the fact of the matter is that lions are bloody lazy as are all cats. they wont attack humans as a preferred meal because there are generally other prey closed and less dangerous than humans around their habitats. this said, if they do by some twist of fate dine on the flesh of humans it's all over red rover. they are then considered to be manhunters! this puts them in the hunt 'em down and kill 'em category because heaven help any animal that thinks it can lord it over humanity even if we patronisingly call them the "king of animals" despite knowing that we will shoot the shit out of them if they get out of line!

here's a pic or two of the lions which dont have the kimba factor taking away the fear factor.
 the big  male is chowing down on a chicken dinner which is considered a healthy option. there is a chicken farm down the road so it's quite convenient really. ireckon i know where i'd look for any escaped loins if that ever happened. 
the young lions in the picture below are feeding on a cows haunch for a bit of variety.
time for a joke to lighten the mood i think. i choose to start the joke now

" i have the heart of a lion and the hind quarters of a tiger!! i also will not be allowed back to Drackenstein lion park when i get out of jail!" ba boom tish!

thats it for now folks and as usual i hope you have a sporting chance... though if you some how found yourself in any of these enclosures i bloodt well doubt it!


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