hi there good people!

three years ago i did the act for peace ration challenge. in 2015 the challenge was to aid the Rohingya who were under extreme persecution in Myanmar. sadly these people are still in trouble.

this years challenge is aimed at helping the refugees and residents of Syria.

we see the horror that they have to endure due to international political manouvering by the major powers of the world. they seem to forget about the people on the ground who are so horrifically hurt by their self interested manouvers! that's why i am doing the ration challenge again.


hell on a stick!! i could use in my bank account right now!!

that's what many good people contributed to my last tilt at the ration challenge and you gotta believe i was as proud as punch of all the people who were kind enough to help the Rohingya back then!

here is the link to donate to my newest attempt to help the people of Syria (both resident and refugees).


i must say right now, i'm no hero. but i am a resident of a first world country and i have enough body fat to survive the week long experience involved in eating no more than one of these people eats over the period of a week. i have a medical system that will support me in times of sickness. i have a massive selection of food to be chosen from every time i go shopping. there is a school system i can send my children to and my only problem in life is too much choice to ever really be concerned about what horror might be around the next corner.

please dont wrap yourself in alfoil over this sad sitiuation!! donate for the good of others good people.

i look forward to your positive responses. feel free to ask for a favour from me in return but please donate to this cause!

massive love to all of you who donate.
cheers fred.


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