hello good people,

day 1 of the ration challenge is finished!

here's how it went down...

i ate nothing.

i drank about 2/3 of a litre of soda water.

i didn't exert myself extrordinarily.

i remained calm.

i didn't have to worry about seeing my children die in front of my eyes.

it was a doddle. the wonderful smell of the rest of the family having dinner while i calmly embroidered the tribute shirt for this years Word Storm festival blessed my senses. my corpuent 1st world body will be enriched by this experience. i will survive. this is the link for you to donate to help the people of Syria.

let me tell you about my approach to the days before starting this thing. 

on friday night i watched south sydney beat parramatta, 42-24. i drank about 8 beers and felt very jolly.

on saturdayi had eggs and bacon for breakfast and a vege curry for dinner. yum. no real lunch though i may have eaten a few olives.

sunday was another eggs and bacon extravaganza thanks to jumbo sized eggs from the girls down the back. dinner was a crusty spinach and fetta roll. HELL YEAH!!

nothing too big, nothing to stretch the stomach, but lots of things i wont have for a week. 

so thats it for now. i feel happy and healthy and look forward to you donating to the ration challenge i am embarking on. here is the link.


keep your eyes on this blog as the week goes by my friends and see if i try to eat the box my supplies came in.
deep fried chilli cardboard!!! YUM!!!

see you soon and may you have a sporting chance!


David J said…
Good work! Keep caring.

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