it's contact time again and i am so fucking being distracted from this blog by an awesome cyndi lauper clip on rage of "money changes everything", it's live and she's up un a garbage tin above the audience! magic!!  Break on through boy!! Get to the  task at hand
here is my link for your donation on behalf of the ACT FOR PEACERATION CHALLENGE

Four days ago i was a rational kinda guy out for a bit of fun and to lose a bit of weight.
Now I am a superbly trim athletic uber model!

Lets see what happened…

tuesday: I started the day by telling my daughter how wonderful her cinnamon toast smelled, She was making porridge. So the first sensory problems are appearing!  I spent a very zen day at work covering books and adding them to the library’s collection. I had a bottle of soda water and calm on my side. It was a nothing kinda day and I was not in the least hungry till about 2 in the arvo. The hell of Tuesday was watching and smelling other s eating.
dinner menu;
Jane and holly = Garlic and honey tofu noodles. 
fred = chapatti’s with dried chilli. 

wednesday; at work. more books to cover and a few standard teacher student  chats. I’m snacking on leftover chapatti's and they are still working to fill my tum. Is the zen art of covering books going to stave off the pangs of hunger? Yup! 

The simple thing so far has been to hydrate as much as possible and not to eat large portions at any time.
thursday; today I am going to government house to meet the administrator and read poetry with some friends. There will be sweet treats and scented oils no doubt. perhaps a sauna, spa and massage package? my resolve will crumble like a croquemboouche at a german wedding.

There will be small treats and fine teas. 
Keats Bailey, Dalziel and Potter. 
My life will be a lie! 
It’s a thing I have been looking forward to for weeks but I’m gonna have to either sit and watch fine fare consumed right before my eyes or break my vows to something i feel strongly about. the only way out of that one would be to personally pledge a large enough donation to repair the damage. Not pretty options.

Luck is on my side and the dates is actually in one months time so I head off to the poetry read which is at it’s usual venue. i went and it was a great morning helped on by there being no-one eating coconut honey cake or the like. 

Soda water is my friend! 

Ok, so I didn’t get to read poetry for the administrator the group did have an administrator of the past read poetry to us.  austin and val asche were there... noice! they read a few of the classics from the early 20thC.
Something newish to me really. I haven’t read that stuff for decades, refreshing the memories is always good.

I rest up for the book club quiz which I have been reminded of as being on tonight.

 I write a poem, embroider for a while, field work related phone calls and nap till the late afternoon. No hunger pangs yet today.

here's a poem i wrote while at the poetry confasb. xxoo.

You reject
I suspect
A murmuration of unsubstantiated whispers
A riffled flutter of rice paper pager
A murmuration in my heart
I want things to happen
It follows a pattern.
You suspect
I reject
Life is a coin spinning in the cosmos
Waiting for the money shot.

i like its shape.

The quiz arrives and I’m feeling light headed.i’m on a team with three other people I know to varying extents and feeling detatched. There are two highlights to the evening. One was winning and the other was a spirited discussion that was had over the answer to one of the questions. Most wonderful smells coming from the kitchen did not bringon tummy grumbling or any hunger pangs. Happy.

my mind runs wild and i am forced to take sporadic notes toabout projects till 1.30am.

friday; it’s off to work and my stomach is small and thoughtful. 
It’s wondering why it wasn’t told about being on holiday and being fed occasional scraps of bread, sardines and lashings of soda water? Surely this is not the seaside???!

I get to work and get into the zen world of book covering.

Life is relaxed and I am into the home straight of this challenge.
In the evening i go to bed and dream of aworld without problems... and food.
I may be doing this easy but the people of Syria aren’t! 

here's a poem i wrote tonight.

if your life leads you to need to have a target...
pick your target well.
i suggest a wrecked derilect morris 1100.
use a matok and a sledgehammer as your weapon.
and crush that sucker,
crush it good!

if your life leads you to need to have a target...
pick your target well.
i suggest something you can work with?
use your life and your aquired skills as a framework.
and break that mould,
break it good.

but i digress.

here is a link that will take you to where you can pledge money to make the lives of others easier.

Please donate even just a small portion or a large sum.

Be better than trump. 
Be better than the Rothschild conglomerate.
Be better than the nasties of the world who have created the problem I am imploring (in my quiet way) that you donate your hard earned savings to.

may you have a sporting chance good people, take care!

tuesday; last contact
it's contact time again and i am so fucking being distracted from this blog by an awesome cyndi lauper clip on rage of "money changes everything", it's live and she's up un a garbage tin above the audience! magic!!

wednesday; at work, chapatti's are still working to fill my tum, covering books

thursday; the poetry at martins, austin and val, book club quiz, jen d kerfuffle, miss the opening of etc

friday; more covering, talk with top knot bloke, watch holly's show. what an air of regality and poise to her performance


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